Monday, July 28, 2008

Lucky Me, Service Call Heaven.

Part of my job is to provide tech service for the computers at the North Cape Gift shop, and Wind Energy Interpretive Centre.  Yes, I get paid to drive up the beautiful shore and visit the North Cape Complex.

northcape complex

The Wind and Reef Restaurant is in the part on the right that is a bit out of view, fantastic seafood restaurant, great view. The center doors lead to the Gift Shop and Interpretive Centre.  The lighthouse to the left is fully functioning, I believe it is maintained by the Coast Guard. 

Below is the North America’s longest natural rock reef, at the tip of which the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait converge. sandbar northcape

Rare, beautiful, and pretty darned cool.  It impresses me, and I live here.

Picture Day. (Yet another)

North Cape just begs for photo shoots.  Blue sky, clouds and capes.  I can't leave without shooting more.

northcape beach

northcape windmill2

Monday, July 21, 2008


I have created this blog to share North Cape and surrounding area and all of its unique and interesting views, history, and information with you. If there are any particular attractions, local lore or scenery that you would like to see before I get this blog nicely rounded, just drop me a comment, and I will certainly do my best to deliver.

For now, I leave you with a "Hello!" and a "Welcome"...sent your way with genuine Western PEI Hospitality. Hope to see you back soon!